Author : eChallan

What Is an E Challan and What Are You Expected to Do about It?

Whether you pay your income tax or a traffic penalty, you can now do it online as well, using the e challan. All you need is a computer and an Internet connection in place.

The Hyderabad and the Cyberabad traffic police have began using e challans as well, as part of their efforts to bring more order in traffic and make the process of processing and punishing traffic violations easier.

Cyberabad traffic police have recently linked their challan traffic violations database with that of the Hyderabad police. As a result, when someone has a pending challan or a case of drunken driving filed against them in Cyberabad, the police of the Hyderabad can identify them and hold them responsible, or simply see their records and find out more about their behavior. The data is stored on high capacity servers and is accessible immediately.

echallan tax
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This way, irrespective of the location where the offence has occurred, the police can locate those who have broken the law easier and collect the amounts they owe. Monitoring repeated offences, in cases of drunken driving, for example, is also a lot easier with the new system in place.

There are two kinds of e challan:

  • One of them is documented using investigation cameras, which click the defilement images mechanically, and the pictures are then printed.
  • The other form is documented using digital cameras.

After issuing the e challan, Cyberabad and Hyderabad authorities can track payments much easier, due to their common databases.

How to check a pending e challan

When you have to pay your traffic challan, you can use your credit card and make the payment online. First, make sure that there is a pending challan registered against your vehicle. Go to and do the following:

  • Enter the number of the vehicle, taking care to include the missing zeros;
  • Fill in the captcha code;
  • Press “GO”.

If you find the e challan Hyderabad or Cyberabad authorities filed against your vehicle, you should be able to see all the details within a few seconds, even the defilement photo uploaded as evidence.

How to make your e challan payment

Once you have made sure that you have a pending challan, you should make the payment, in order to avoid further penalties. Just go to and follow these steps:

  • Click on “Register”, enter your personal details and choose a username and a password.
  • After registering, go to the website again.
  • Login and click on “Pay Bill”.
  • Select “Cyberabad Traffic Challans” or “Hyderabad Traffic Challans”
  • Enter the vehicle number using uppercase letters and click “Submit”.
  • You will get a list of the pending challans, or a message saying that the registration number was invalid or the challans have already been paid.
  • If you have pending challans, select as many as you can afford or want to pay and click “Submit”. You will get the total payable amount.
  • By clicking “Submit” again, you are taken to the bank payment gateway.

Keep in mind that it might take up to 24 hours to see your e challan payment updated.

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